Friday 16 November 2012

Tell us what you think!

It was really good to meet some of your student reps at recent student-staff committees I've attended, and it's very helpful for us to hear your feedback and answer your questions. Examples of queries which have come up recently include ebooks and how to use them, where to find guidance on referencing, and how you can let us know about books you'd like us to buy for the library.

Check out our new information literacy pages, use our information skills tutorials for guidance on referencing and avoiding plagiarism and use our online recommendation form to tell us about books you'd like to see in the library.

We want to hear from you, whether that's to tell us things we might improve on or to let us know other ways we might help support you in your course work. If there's nobody from the library at your student-staff meetings - invite us!

Liaison Librarian

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